You have to see this! Massive hot air balloon snags light pole, lands on woman's home - East Idaho News

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You have to see this! Massive hot air balloon snags light pole, lands on woman’s home

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A hot air balloon snagged a light pole and landed on a woman’s home in Arizona. | Courtesy Inside Edition

AN UNEXPECTED ENDING — Passengers on a hot air balloon were taking a ride in the sky to celebrate a birthday, but they didn’t imagine it coming to an end the way it did.

Arizona homeowner Kara Giugliano recorded the moment the hot air balloon — with a pilot and eight passengers on board — snagged a light pole next to her backyard causing the balloon to deflate.

“It just ripped,” she is heard saying in the video filmed on Dec. 7 in Phoenix.

The footage shows the balloon fall into Giugliano’s backyard and onto a portion of her home.

“I’m right under here. What do I do?” Giugliano said. “Oh my gosh! It’s on top of our house!”

Giugliano ended up running outside to try and help the passengers. She told Inside Edition she often sees hot air balloons passing over her home but never ending up on her property.

“It was overwhelming. It was wild. It was chaotic,” she added.

The pilot for Hot Air Expeditions was getting to the end of his fuel supply, and was planning to land in a vacant lot next to the home when the accident happened.

No injuries were reported.


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