Forsgren: Confessions of a selfie addict - East Idaho News

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Forsgren: Confessions of a selfie addict

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Hello, my name is Adam and I have an addiction. I never realized this could become be so problematic, but it has completely taken over my life.

I am a selfie addict.

I honestly don’t know how this happened. I’ve never thought that I was such a narcissist that I needed to constantly have a camera sticking in my face, documenting my every move. Heck, I don’t even really like having my picture taken and I’m not what you call photogenic, so why must I take so many selfies?

I didn’t start taking so many photos of myself because I suddenly became attractive. As you can see from my photos, I didn’t. Maybe I just gave up needing to impress people, and once I lost that, I stopped caring what I look like. Or maybe I decided to do it because I’m sadistic and I want to torture people’s retinas.

Whatever the reason, I got over my camera shyness a couple years back and have since become a selfie-snapping fool. If I see a backdrop that looks cool, you can bet I’ll stop and snap a shot with it.

Things got even worse when I joined Instagram in October 2015. Since then I’ve posted over 1,200 pics. A lot of them are stupid memes that I’ve found amusing, and a lot of them are photos of cats and sunsets. But a lot of them are selfies, and at the risk of breaking with my ugly mug, I thought I’d share my favorites.

nerd family

Baking day

princess leia

reading doom

blue lava

Vader and friends

metal records

mighty axe

pumpkin head

viking hammer



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